The Overmind - Xenocide

Instilling a hive-like mentality
In the multitude of sentient beings
The overlords gather their progeny

Preparing the swarms for conquest of worlds
Consumed with an unrelenting desire to devour
Marching drones off to slaughter
To commence the process of xenocide

Boarding the infantry crafts
Sounds of turbines fill the air
Mechanical monoliths take flight

Insane desire to conquer
Full spectrum annihilation

Fueled solely by the curse that plagues them
Their unholy crusade begins
Through the shakes of the travels
The clamour of synthetic parts
As the voyage sets its course

An armada to rival the Vardugals
To cleanse the stars of all their life
Existence offends the chaos gods
Pestilential, unrelenting legions conquer
Galactic obliteration absolute

Engulfed in empyrean black holes
Chromite weaponry creeks
From astral compression
Insane desire to conquer
Full spectrum annihilation

Preparing the swarms for conquest of worlds
Consumed with an unrelenting desire to devour
Marching drones off to slaughter
To commence the process of xenocide